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The fascia & strength station

The game changer for a healthy body and mind as well as sporting success.

Ganzheitliche Stärkung


What is the Flyring?

The Flyring not only strengthens fascia and muscles, the device is even more versatile. It strengthens and stretches the entire body and also has an influence on the psyche. The Flyring has a holistically positive effect on people!

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Flyring BeispielabbildungFlyring BeispielabbildungFlyring Beispielabbildung


The method dates back to the Middle Ages in Russia. In times when battles had to be fought and won with pure physical substance, when battles were pure back-breaking labour and all limbs of the body were kept in high tension (because it was not unusual for such a battle to last 12 hours without interruption), the elite units used the system on the one hand to prepare for their battles (strength, endurance, concentration, inner attitude such as fearlessness, etc.) and on the other hand to restore strength and psyche, as well as the damaged or stressed body after the battle. This system has been thought through, adapted and tested with modern knowledge for modern times and current purposes.


Who benefits from the Flyring?

1. For physiotherapists & doctors

Useful for physiotherapists and doctors in osteotherapy, orthopaedics and related fields. This is because the device improves efficiency and stimulates the recovery of damaged areas. One therapy session on the Flyring fascia station massages the internal organs and can replace ten yoga sessions. Further benefits:

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The fascial network, and not the muscles alone, forms a framework that stores and releases kinetic energy. It regulates the springy joint mechanisms in the leg-arm-back chains and in the entire system. When you work with the fascia, you are also treating the branches of the brain. So why not treat the fascia with the same level of respect as the brain itself?

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The deep work with the fly ring enables the restoration of original positions. This has a positive effect on the flow of necessary fluids (e.g. lubricating and lymphatic fluids) as well as on the supply and removal of the cell supply. As a result, the basic supply of various substances for the entire twelve systems in the body benefits, even far beyond the field of osteo- and orthopaedics.

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The fascial sheath contains a nerve network. This should work smoothly and harmoniously for our system. A therapy session on the Flyring therefore provides deep relaxation and is beneficial for the mind. As the fasciae are considered to be branches of the brain, their health is also linked to mental health and balance. Test the device to observe the effect on your mental and emotional state.

2. For athletes

Promotes performance and regeneration.

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The Flyring is an effective preparation for competitions. It utilises power reserves, increases performance and accelerates regeneration. It also helps with realignment after mini/micro changes after competitions and strengthens the psyche. Because in every competition, as well as during training, overcoming one's own ego, fears and weaknesses is the most important thing for every athlete.


Why The Flyring?

  • The appliance has been established on the Russian market in this form for around 20 years and is available in almost every city. Predecessor models already existed in the Middle Ages.
  • Professional athletes from various sports regularly use it for their training and to prepare for important competitions, e.g. the Olympic Games or World Championships.
  • The success and high demand in Russia speak for themselves. Many specialists from the medical field have been working with it to better understand the biochemistry of processes in the body.
  • Spiritual changes have also been noted by users, which is why the device is used to work with consciousness. In this area, however, the experience is quite subjective and therefore difficult to prove.
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